URLs are a critical part of Mosaic, and occur in many of the commands in the Rexx interface. They are nothing more than text strings, and are treated as such. The syntax of a URL requires that they be quoted when imbedded in a command.

Various commands also return URL as text. These values may be used in any command that acceps a URL. In addition, the command may be terminated with one of the following three keywords:

Index addes each word on the rest of the command line to the ULR as a search key for an indexed search. For example:
URL index a b c d
searches for a, b, c and d in url.
Map accepts two integers as x, y pixel coordinates in the image designated by the URL. For example:
URL map 20 40
sends a query for url with a click at 20, 40.
Form accepts a list of name, value pairs, and sends a query to the url as if those values were given in a form used that URL.
URL map key1 value1 key2 value2 key3 value3
sends a query as if a form with had been used with key1 set to value1, key2 set to value2 and key3 set to value3.

Up to the objects, back to the Rexx port, or on to links.
Mike W. Meyer